what we do
PR is broken. We’re fixing it.
Tell me if you’ve heard this story before.
Someone hired a PR firm. Nine months later they’re moaning, "I just spent $180,000 and wasted nine months with a PR firm, and I got nothing to show for it!"
You deserve better.
PR is broken because most clients don’t know:
⦸ What they’re getting
⦸ What they’ll pay for it
⦸ When they’ll get it
You pick the publication and you approve the headline and topic of the article. The articles we place are full editorial articles—no advertorials or "council" pieces here.
We charge a flat fee, per placement.
We promise placement within 90 days or you can take advantage of our 100% money-back guarantee.
At Canvas PR we fix these three problems.
You’ve heard of performance marketing?
This is performance PR.
What’s the catch? There is no catch.
Tired of monthly PR retainers that don’t deliver? With Canvas PR, you know what you’re going to get, when you’ll get it, and what you’ll pay.
We offer
Flat-fee PR placements…
In top tier publications like Forbes, Inc., Mashable, TechCrunch, and Entrepreneur…
With a 100% money-back guarantee.